Paul James’ acting reel

Recently I edited the acting reel of my brother, Paul.  For the past few years, my talented younger brother has been a cast member on the ABC Family show Greek.  He’s also worked on several independent films and TV guest roles.  I hope his reel shows off his...

Server Outage

Yesterday there was an outage at our hosting service provider, which caused a downtime of several hours.  I have not detected any data loss, thankfully, and apparently one reason for the lengthy downtime was the filesystem checking of each server to verify to that all...

Google to end support for IE6

Web designers everywhere jump and shout for joy!  If you or someone you know is still using Internet Explorer 6 or below, there has never been a better time to upgrade than now.  Read the article here.

White House website moves to Drupal

Check out the article here! Drupal is a web Content Management System (CMS) that I’ve used on several sites including JHU’s Digital Media Center, Maryland State Senator Paul Pinsky and Stressless Tests. It is by far the most flexible system I’ve ever...